The Kiss | Piece (Peace) for women and pollinating insects | We all cry the same way an ecofeminist reminder with 3 video works and an introduction
Adriana Chiruță
Adriana Chiruta lives and works in her favorite life-art project project, a contemporary art ecolaboratory under construction, near Sibiu, called Carambach, an “invented” country for artists, scientists, nature and human rights activists. Fascinated by the action of modeling some invisible or immaterial elements such as, for instance, some possible futures or the empty space between us or the air of our own breaths or the dance of ideas or imaginations from our waking or dreaming states, Adriana Chiruta is aa artist with hybrid practices. A performing arts professional, theatre director and dance passionate, with a philosophy background, she enjoys taking post-conceptual walks through different mediums (sound, video, text, etc.). Structured as performative installations, her works are meant to direct the viewers senses from the exterior art objects, toward themselves, as subjects of art invited  to occupy the stage of their own life personally, socially and politically.

The Kiss | Piece (Peace) for women and pollinating insects | We all cry the same way |
an ecofeminist reminder with 3 video works and an introduction
The Kiss

They remained fused to each other for more than 5 hours, in the sun, in the rain, inseparable, ecstatic and indifferent to all that was happening around. Bodies of love in a choreography of extreme tenderness. Absolute masters of kiss. Nature was showing again as a huge space of performing arts or an art gallery in which uncountable and refined non-human artworks are happening all the time. This reinterpretation of the theme of the kiss with a snails couple, questions once again all the narratives about human superiority in terms of performing love and respecting the finesse of the world.

Piece (Peace) for Women and Pollinating Insects

Avem în jurul nostru performeri incredibil de talentați care, deloc surprinzător, nu sunt ființe umane. Precum această Chrysoperla Carnea  ce se armonizează perfect cu sunetele Juanei La Barbara într-un dans delicat și hipnotic, „plantând” privitorul într-o buclă bizar de liniștitoare. Într-o lume atât de periclitată de mecanicile războiului și distrugerii, Piesă pentru femei și gâze polenizatoare oferă atmosfera tandreții fragile a unei perspective biologice, non-mecanice, asupra realității noastre. O perspectivă pe care riscăm să o pierdem.

There are incredibly talented performers around us which, unsurprisingly, are not human beings. Like this Chrysoperla Carnea harmonising perfectly with Joan La Barbara sounds during a delicately hypnotic dance that plants the viewer in a soothing, strange loop.  In a world so endangered by the mechanics of destruction and war, Piece for Women and Pollinating Insects offer the taste of the fragile tenderness of a biological, non-mechanical, glimpse of our reality. A glimpse that we might lose. 

We all cry the same way

Some years ago, somewhere on the margins of Europe, I cried for hours. As it was not a cry caused by personal reasons, I decided to record it. The tears were triggered by the fact that we did not learn, neither at a personal, nor at a collective level, to stop making each other suffer in the most unjust, but also avoidable ways. I was deploring the avoidable suffering, logically pointless, of humanity. Now, some years after, against the background of wars and cries and blood spills from Ukraine, Syria, Somalia, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Mozambique, Palestine and so many other place of the world, WE ALL CRY THE SAME WAY is an invitation to perform another future by taking a fresh start in a more peaceful course of our actions, as deprived of avoidable sufferance as possible.

Exact location: Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary (exterior, tower)
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